MACHINE Comix is ancient wisdom, street-knowledge and rebellious storied art. We are the long time comic art creators that never grew up, never gave up and have more to give up to our fans and supporters of comic art, heroes and stories from a new age. Original heroes, original adventures and original art that pushes the limits.

The comic book industries first all Native American hero team and Smithsonian Institute (2014) treasure ‘ TRIBAL FORCE’ is reuniting with part of its original production team. MACHINE Comix, is proud to announce a publishing agreement that adds America’s first all native superhero comic book to it’s growing list of creations.
Pencils: Chris Williams | Inks: Jake | Colors/Letters: GENE |
Story & Creator: Jon Proudstar
© 2021-22, Jon Proudstar. All rights reserved.

The 4th element of 'hip-hop' making a name for being the
creator of all creators! Follow BURN as he defends his hood with his new found creator powers… and takes on all
destroyers! It all happens
Pencils/Inks: Scott Sirag | Graffiti: EPIK | Colors/Letters: GENE
Story & Creator: GENE
© 2021-22, Gene Jimenez. All rights reserved.

Enter a world of magic, wonder, and adventure. Meet WULF (a shadow elf) as you join him on his journey through enchanting realms and locations, encountering different villages and tribes, facing creatures and dangers through out his adventures. Welcome to
Tales Of Elysium. Created and illustrated by Scott Sirag.
Pencils/Inks: Scott Sirag | Colors/Letters: GENE
Story & Creator: Scott Sirag
© 2021-22, Scott Sirag. All rights reserved.

TRIBAL FORCE reunites…
THANK YOU firstcomicsnews.com for being the first to cover this momentous event. Much to come and be excited for.

Representation in Comics - GENE
Tonight we welcome back multifaceted artist Gene Jimenez as he announces the return of the first all-Native American superhero team: Tribal Force. They have been out of action since the 90s but are back in a big way with old favorites, new heroes, and an updated look.

youtube video podcast
Failing forward - GENE
Tonight we welcome back gallery artist and digital comic coloring pioneer Gene Jimenez to discuss professional experience and how we can glean wisdom from our failures along the way.

History of Digital coloring - GENE
Tonight we take a trip back into the history of digital comic book coloring with someone who was instrumental in the birth of digital coloring, Gene Jimenez. We'll talk with Gene about the early days of comic book coloring and where we see the future of comic book coloring going.
MACHINE Comix Team

GENE has 30+ years experience in comic books, graphic design and fine arts. He was an original purveyor and participant at SDCC very first 'Digital Comic Coloring Symposium'('95). He has been a colorist, letterer, editor, creative director, writer and designer for independent, mainstream comics and entertainment companies.
In 2018, GENE founded MACHINE Comix as a home for his personal comic book creations, and the creations of outside the norm comic book artists.

Scott Sirag
Penciler, inker, creator and all around imagination freak, Scott Sirag is a veteran comic book artist with several independent and mainstream titles to his credit. Look for new creations, as well as, his unique style in
DOWNTOWN, the ongoing series. His personal creation
Tales of Elysium is slated for 2023 debut.

Jon Proudstar